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In contrast to popular opinion that all fat is bad, there is such thing as good fat. Certain types of fats are essential, meaning that they must be consumed from your diet, and they are necessary to maintain optimal health. The good fats are called essential fatty acids (EFAs) and they come from the omega-3 and omega-6 families. We all need a balance of both omega 6 and 3’s. The problem is that most North Americans are currently over consuming omega 6 in the form of corn, sunflower and safflower oils and margarines, and not eating enough omega-3 such as flaxseeds, nuts, and cold water fish including salmon, tuna, mackerel, sardines, and anchovies. 

Consuming omega-3s every day is an important component to maintaining one’s health, and it has been proven to help decrease body fat. Researchers from the University of South Australia found that omega-3 consumption with exercise was more effective at promoting body fat loss than exercise alone.  It may be difficult to eat enough omega-3 everyday, so supplementing with pharmaceutical grade omega-3 fish oils is a great alternative. 

Studies have shown that omega-3 fish oil may also be helpful in the prevention and treatment of obesity, as diets high in fish oil increase resting metabolic rate, rate of fat oxidation and diet induced thermogenesis. EPA from fish oil is the fat most readily used as a source of energy (Storlien, et al 2001).

Try to avoid the bad fats such as trans fats that are present in processed foods, and increase your consumption of omega-3 fatty acids. About 25-30 percent of you daily caloric intake should come from essential fatty acids.

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Our lives are not in the lap of the gods, but in the lap of our cooks

-- Lin Yutang